Our Mission
In Delphi, people from all parts of the ancient world met to exchange ideas about life. They found answers that enabled them to cope with their life situation with joy and confidence.
Whatever may be the impulse: a change in your professional life, an evolving relationship, core believes that have lost their truth. In order to find re-orientation ultimately demands an answer to essential questions. Who am I and what should I do with my life? Where do I stand at this moment? Am I leading the life I want? What are the guiding criteria that shape my decisions? What adds meaning to my life?
A life concept is shaped by a range of factors reaching from your professional life to your social surrounding, your personal interests, needs and potentials. This is why there is never just one isolated aspect that changes.
Our mission is to help you find structure and to help you prioritise as you develop your own perspective. It is our aim to empower and encourage you to face your challenges in a fearless way and through inner confidence.
Finally, for those who wish to examines their questions beyond the limitations of their daily routine, in a place far from from distractions, may attain more clarity through a Delphi-Dialogue, a Cammino Toscano or a Desert Retreat.